Search Engine Optimization
SEO Consultants are a dime a dozen in the eyes of many. We get it.
So we let our results speak for themself. With over a decade of frontline search engine optimization (SEO) experience, we get our clients meaningful results, fast.

Why Search Engine Optimization Matters
SEO can help you build better relationships with your audience, improve the customer experience, increase your authority, drive more people to your site, give you an edge over the competition, and increase conversions. That means more sales, more loyal customers, and more growth for your business.
The role of an SEO consultant is to help you achieve such results cost effectively and over a short period. With more than a decade on the front lines of SEO, we are not only confident we will deliver a strong SEO strategy, we’re positive our work will prove to be a winning strategy that delivers both quick wins and sustainable results. Did we mention we NEVER go over budget?
We aren't your typical SEO consultant. We started doing search engine optimization (SEO) before it was “cool”...
Minte Media's track record
Simply put, our clients see results within 30-60 days of engaging us as their SEO consultant. But we must give you a word of caution… the majority of our clients come back to us and ask to increase their monthly SEO budget. Why?
Well, when you’re seeing a 12x better return on your organic (SEO) digital marketing efforts over your paid digital marketing efforts, you tend to want to spend money where you’re seeing the best results, dollar for dollar.
This isn’t just a one-time, or one-client experience. It happens often. And when you come to us and say “We’d like to double our budget,” we’ll probably respond with a big grin and say “We told you so.”
Working with Minte Media on SEO...
When it comes to search engine optimization strategy (SEO), we don’t waste any time, or budget.
As your SEO consultant, we start with in-depth keyword and competitor analysis, and quickly propose 30-50 keywords for you to choose from. Your budget will depend how many we recommend you focus on.
Once the keywords are identified, and agreed upon, we then perform a content analysis to see which pages on your site we will optimize for each keyword. If you don’t have the right content, we can craft it for you.
Then we start the “on-site” optimization. We help you fine tune your website, so it’s sending the right message to users and search engines. Our on-site optimization is so effective, you’ll likely start seeing results from this alone.
Then the real fun begins with the “off-site” optimization. Your site is now effectively telling the search engines and users what your site is about, but now we need the rest of the internet to agree. This takes a considerable amount of time, and there’s no good reason for any business owner or operator to this themselves. That’s what we’re here for. Off-site optimization drives upwards of 80% of the increase in rankings, and must be done intentionally and strategically. If it’s not done well, it can actually result in penalties, and a worse ranking.